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Horses in the USA

Author: Elodie - 6th grade

The history of horses in the USA :

Wild horses in the USA are called Mustang, which means stray animals in Spanish. The horses of the USA disappeared in 1960 but now they have returned. Mustang is a breed descended from domesticated Spanish horses returning to the wild. Mustang usually measure between 1.42 and 1.52m. They have quite a different coat.

In the USA mustangs are now protected against poaching by « Wild and free roaming horses and burros act ». Mustang live in the Great Plains Of North America. The mustang herd blend one stallion for many mare and the birthrate is a male and female foal each year.

The number of mustang in the herd is variable. The USA has a mustang adaption program but too many horses are caught compared to those adopted

In the popular culture, mustang are important for native Americans for movies or Western and cow-boy. In the universe of comics, it is also important.

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